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Museum "Attic"


Every good museum has an "attic" or archive storage area.  It holds surplus artifacts that may be used in future exhibits or traded for a needed article.  Our Fire Museum does also.  D/E Mike Grady (ret., FLFD), our volunteer Archivist, has created an office and Archive that holds a huge number of unusual items.  The Fire Department, and others, have entrusted our Museum with thousands of historic photos, slides, movies, videos, log books, scrapbooks, documents and items of every imaginable description. 


Our "attic" is in the rear building behind the Museum, called the Fire Alarm Building, as it was built to house the electrical gear that operated the City's Gamewell Fire Alarm system.  It's now our archives, and Archivist's Office.  CLICK ON THIS PHOTO to peek inside our "attic". 

Copyright 2023 Fort Lauderdale Fire and Safety Museum

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